Baguette facade stylish elements of different shapes provide creative architectural design language on one hand and functional elements to provide screening of different utilities.
Baguettes may be used as further design elements in facade detailing, e.g.:
- Windows
- Ventilation outlets
- Air conditioning
- Passageways
- Outdoor corridors
- Stairways
- Balcony balustrades
- Blinds in front of glass
Sizes & Shapes:
Baguette Square rectangular cross-section

As an alternative to the square cross-section, baguettes can also be produced with a rectangular cross-section. The rectangular cross-section provides a more solid look and greater depth effect. Baguettes are available as square tubes in many sizes from 40 x 40 mm to 90 x 90 mm. Standard sizes 40×40 mm up to 90×90 mm
Single tile elements can be made up to 1000 mm long. If larger lengths need to be spanned, several tile elements are fitted onto a system-specific aluminum profile at the factory to make a single component. This makes lengths up to 2500 mm possible.
Baguette Rounded pipes

Rounded pipe
Standard sizes Ø 50 mm – Ø 80 mm
Single tile elements can be made up to 1000 mm long.
If larger lengths need to be spanned, several tile elements are fitted onto a system-specific aluminum profile at the factory to make a single component.
This makes lengths up to 5000 mm possible.
Baguette Triangle

Baguettes with a triangular cross-section are particularly suitable for shading glass areas on tile-covered, sloping roofs.
The baguettes’ triangular shape therefore enables them to be exactly leveled with the roof slope and thus gives a coherent appearance to the whole roof area.
- type 110x90x90 mm
- type 175x175x175
Single tile elements can be made up to 1000 mm long.If larger lengths need to be spanned, several tile elements are fitted onto a system-specific aluminum profile at the factory to make a single component. This makes lengths up to 2500 mm possible.
Baguettes as a combination with special tiles

The combination of baguettes with a square cross-section and other special tiles represents a special feature.
The unity of the facade is reinforced in this way. At the same time, the surface of the tiles is designed so that the shape of the baguettes continues on the tiles.
All tile colors in the Moeding Alphaton and Moeding Longoton color spectrum is available.
Technical data
Moeding had patented a special aluminum rapid Plug in Holder system