Old Florentine traditional Hand-made tiles produced by skilled personal using wet clay mixture worked by hand in mold forms. Each tile is formed personally feeling the touch and the person pressing of hands. These tiles are considered state of art products, as the time required for this production piece by piece takes time and can […]

Cotto Nobile
Extruded paving tiles preserving the natural imperfections and shading typical of handcrafted products. Form & Sizes Related PostsCotto Aliseo Cotto Brolio Cotto Novo Polished surface Pienza

Majolica surface
The first of all the protected Cotto tiles, Majolica comes in the deep, warm slightly shaded of the Florentine tradition. Its distinct character is reflected by a strength demonstrated by many years of heavy-duty service in attractive ambient subject to a considerable amount of pedestrian traffic. This manufactured materials besides being frost resistant, abrasion resistant, […]

Luce surface
A ceramic slip applied into the body clay before firing at 1000 °C renders the finished tiles ware become completely waterproof and resistant to stains of any kind. The tile produced in this way is ready for laying at any given moment. The tiles are unaffected by damp, and are free of efflorescence and requires […]

Rustic surface
A distinctive, uniform “Florentine red” color rusticated tiles surface achieved by dry-brushing the surface of the tiles before firing are the main features of Traditional Rustic Cotto (terracotta). The rustic surface constitutes the most classic type of Florentine products, which enhances the full inner structure, the living material of cotto, and guarantees the evenness of […]

Sestino brick & Tozzetto brick
Sestino and Tozzetto are small bricks destined mainly for paving roads and town squares. The paving in the historical centers of cities such as Assisi, Spoleto, Montepulciano and Certaldo, to mention the most famous ones, are in Cotto Il Ferrone, a material which blends perfectly with the attractive shades of the original colors Exceptional quality […]